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Friday, April 3, 2009 !@#$% 7:08 AM
Layout changed! (: I think this is more suitable - you can see the comments without needing to open up a new window. I changed a bit of the layout only; I love DayBefore!Misery skins :D And the sections above are more functional! (: I plan to put definitions and other stuff for reference at the "define" section above. Um the icons will be changed soon. I think its quite cute but controversial :/ 'Cos not everyone likes korean boybands (I didn't plan to them to be there at all!) Your inputs are very welcome! :D - JY 0 Comments: |
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009 !@#$% 8:35 PM
Yo! 09A16ers This blog is so dead :( Post more on this blog please :D Dont really need to be formal, you may want to post some comics too :)
http://www.evansharp.com/images/comic01.gif ![]() let's discuss about them :D 0 Comments: |
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Monday, March 2, 2009 !@#$% 4:34 AM
I found this article from Straits Times (02/03/2009) quite interesting. So I would like to share with you guys :D HUA HIN (THAILAND): - Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong yesterday joined Asean leaders in reaffirming the need to ensure a free flow of goods, services and investments around the world. Please pay attention to the 2 sentences I highlighted. PM Lee said that America's open economy is 'the reason why the whole exercise of globalisation, of trade and prosperity, has been able to happen'. Why is it so? Is open economy market economy? By speeding up Asean goal of single market, does that mean that Singapore's economy will change from a mixed economy to an market economy? Discuss it by posting comments. It's okay if you make mistakes, we're all learning. :D 3 Comments:
Some things I found on the net By Y Jin, at March 7, 2009 at 8:34 PM Well. I think it's rather difficult for ASEAN to achieve their goal of having a single market. This is because of different levels of development of the members countries. We can't be like european union where people can trade with one another without much restriction, using the common currency. , atHi! Mrs Lim here. Glad that your class had started posting comments :-) The focus of the article is not so much about the type of economies Singapore is. The fact that Singapore is a very open economy means that we import and export a lot from other countries. USA is one of our main export destinations. As such, if the USA is going to be inward looking, Singapore economy would suffer as our export revenue would fall tremendously. Singapore has a very small domestic market. Hence, we cannot depend on our domestic market but countries like USA and China can. This explains the reason why we are so anti-protectionism! By SLIM, at March 31, 2009 at 10:27 PM |
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 !@#$% 4:41 AM
On my birthday I asked My Mother to buy This baby doll that burps AND that wooden bird that chirps. "NO!" was her reply With that glint in her eye "But you may choose this doll that burps Or that wooden bird that chirps." "But Mommy!" I did cry "It's unfair to make me choose I really NEED them both Or I'll just DIE!" Mother gave a grin She pinched my girlish chin She squeezed my crusty nose Until I wiped it on my clothes. She said, "Time and money Will always make you choose Remember: this OR that Its a rule you mustn't lose." On Christmas Eve I asked My Mother to buy This pink and purple bike AND that shiny kite I like. Mother shook her head, “Now Scarcity, you know I said You may choose between this bike OR that shiny kite you like.” “But Mommy,” I did cry I can’t pick and choose. I really NEED them both Or I’ll just DIE!” Mother softly said “Do you think that toys are free? That toys grow like leaves on a MAGIC TREE? This AND that - The world can never be. It’s this OR that - Can’t you see?” “ENOUGH!” I yelled, “ENOUGH! I’m tired of all this STUFF... This isn’t fair; it isn’t right I NEED more toys to play and use So give me every toy I like... It’s just not right to MAKE ME CHOOSE!” Well... I saw Mother wink at the big black clock That was hanging on the wall singing tick-tick tock And then, I’m not kidding, the clock began to talk It said, “Refuse to choose and you will LOSE!” Pouting, I was sent to my room for a spell I guess to be punished for my childish yell But after an hour I was happy to see… In my room, growing tall, was a giant magic tree. The tree pierced the roof. My room was filled with sunny light I grabbed a lowly branch and climbed up to the eaves What a FEELING! How AMAZING! What an awesome sight! Toys began to sprout, just like leaves. Toys, toys, the tree was filled with toys Lots of toys, like big bright bikes And other things that make loud noise. Toys beyond my WILDEST dreams - Pretty dolls, lots of balls, and super toy machines. I squeezed the dolls I hugged a ball I stroked the trucks I loved them all. Then balanced on my toes with poise I quickly started plucking toys. To reach every limb I used a broom I picked my toys by the sun, then the moon Not once did I use my time to choose - I was busy throwing every toy, on the floor inside my room. Finally, I reached the tree’s tip-top And grinning, there on top, was that big black clock It made not a sound - not one tick-tick tock For time had stopped What a tick-tick SHOCK! The clock smirked and said: “I don’t like to fuss But Scarcity, dear girl, your time is up This OR that - this rule you did abuse Because you would not choose, it’s time for you to lose.” I grabbed that clock; it was such a brat Then I whacked it HARD, with the broom as a bat I screamed, “NO MORE RULE NO MORE THIS OR THAT!” Silence, then a sigh - the clock was gone like a snap. Now that there were no more toys on the tree I climbed down, quickly, feeling fine and free For there was no more clock to be A source of time to punish me. Besides, I had toys in my room to see. OH! … NO! … I rubbed my blurry eyes All my toys were smashed and crushed - Just a heap of junk and some buzzing flies. My eyes, so tired, slowly closed to sleep I awoke, the tree was gone - no sounds, not one peep I sniffed, rubbed my nose, and slept some more And dreamed of the toys that were mine before. LOVE! REJOICE! I heard my Mother’s voice With Christmas cheer, she called my name I was relieved; she looked the same. And that black clock? It looked real swell And the sound of time made me feel well. Such a special Christmas I hugged Mommy – what a saint I got to CHOOSE the perfect gift … It was the bike, without complaint. 0 Comments: |
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009 !@#$% 6:16 AM
Welcome to class 09A16's official economics blog. :D This blog is created to make economics more interesting to us. More details to be updated soon! - JY [infocom rep] 0 Comments: |